Saturday, August 9, 2014

Bodyweight "300" workout

This is a Body weight version of the infamous "300" workout. This one requires no equipment.
Just a quick demo of 10reps of each exercise.

Here are a few variations depending on skill level. If you have equipment feel free to sub some of the exercises for weighted exercises: Swings, Snatches, Clean and Press, Ab Crushers...Scale up or down as needed ....have fun with it!

1) Pull Up-25, Jumping Lunge-50, Sit Out-50, Pistol-50(25/25-alt), Burpee-50, Dive Bomber Push Up-50, Pull Up-25

2)HSPU-25, Jumping Lunge-50, Sit Out-50, Pistol-50, Target Burpee-50(7" or more), Squat-50, HSPU-25

Saturday, August 2, 2014

SWOD and WOD Demo:


Stone 2 Shoulder*-3
Dumbbell Renegade Rows-16(8L/8R)-AHAP
Hammer Strikes**-24(12L/12R)

x5 Rounds:
(Scaled: *Sand Bag to Shoulder, Sand Bag Clean/**Med Ball Slam)

Front Rack Lunges*-12(6L/6R)-135#M/95#W
Ring Dips**-12

(Scaled: *Bodyweight/KB or DB Lunges/**Hindu Push Up, Decline Push Up or any Push Up. Scale the Time if needed: 10min, 12min or 15min AMRAP)

Workout Log: 5-10-24/5-11-24

5-10-24  Barbell RDL: 10-8-6-6 (Start @60%, Add During) 4 Sets of: 1-1/4 Back Squat: 7-10 Reps DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 16(8/8) 3 Sets of:...