Friday, March 30, 2012

Warriors Wanted!

Looking for MOTIVATED individuals who are ready for REAL change! I have a few time slots available for Personal Training Sessions. Here is my contact info: email Let me know what your goals are, times wanted, and training background.  This is for serious people ONLY.
I'm not going to sugar coat anything. You will work hard and eat right to get the results you want. It doesn't matter if you want to drop a few pounds, a bigger Dead Lift, or just want to get back in to shape.

What others are saying>>>

I'm Certified in Kettlebells, CrossFit, and Underground Strength. This is not your normal Personal Training Session. No A/C, TV, Treadmills, or Machines.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Underground Strength Coach Certified

I completed the Underground Strength Certification this past weekend in Austin with Zach Even Esh at Red Black Gym. It was a great learning experience, awesome training, and instruction. It's always good to meet up with like minded trainers and coaches.
 I highly recommend this Certification. Be prepared, it's all hands on! Training all day with body weight, chains, stones, tires, and more. You will be sore, but it's well worth it!
Be sure to look up the Underground Strength website and YouTube channel.

Kettlebell Pull Ups

Pull Ups with a 88# Kettlebell!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

CrossFit Seguin

100M Walking Lunges x2. No equipment needed...Just Self Motivation! You can't buy that!
Here is the Full WOD:
Walking Lunges-100M
Hand Release Push Ups-50
Burpee Broad Jump-100M
Toe to Bar-25
x2 Rounds For Time:

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Got two new PR's!

Snatch-150# (@125# Body Weight)
Clean and Jerk-205# (@125# Body Weight)
I tried for 155# on the Snatch, got it over head 3 times but couldn't stabilize it. I was unable to Clean 210#, I caught the bar in a Squat but was unable to keep it. Those are my next goals!

My CrossFit Games Results

WOD 3. Box Jump-15/Push Press-12(115#)/Toe 2 Bar-9; AMRAP 18Min
WOD 4. Wall Ball-150/Double Unders-90/Muscle Ups-30: AMRAP 12min

WOD 3: Well this one started good. Box Jumps weren't to bad, Push Press felt good, and Toe 2 bar were going ok. That was the first two rounds! I got 7 total. My shoulders burned out pretty quick on the Push Press, it was only 115# but it got heavy after the 3rd round. The shoulders being "smoked" made the Toe 2 Bar extra hard. The Box Jumps were the rest on this WOD.

WOD 4: What can I say...I HATE WALL BALL! Well it's not too bad but, 150!! This is where my height, 5' 2", is a disadvantage. I knew I'd have to push out the Wall Ball at a good pace if I was going to make the Muscle Ups. I was able to push it out, it helped having some one next to me going through it as well and a coach there tell in me to pick the ball up. Once I got through the Wall Ball my legs were smoked, got through the Double Unders(Jump Rope) pretty fast and had about 1min left and knocked out 7 Muscle Ups.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My CrossFit Games Results

WOD1. Burpees, 7min AMRAP with a Target 6" above max reach: my score: 124 Reps
WOD2. Snatches, 10min AMRAP of the following: 75#(30reps), 135#(30Reps), 165#(30Reps), and 210#(Max Reps). My score: 44Reps.

The Burpee WOD was a tough endurance WOD. I've never done 7min straight of Burpees(don't think I'll do it again any time soon.) For this WOD the key, and it's ot a joke, was to not stop and keep a good pace. My pace started fast and slowed especially during the last 2min, but I only stopped for a split second once or twice.

The Snatch WOD was a great test of Strength and Skill. The Snatch is a VERY technical Lift. I don't recommend doing high Rep Snatches(especially at heavy weight) without proper training. I enjoyed the challenge. The weight was heavy for me. My Body weight fluctuates between 125# and 127#. The 75# Lift was no problem. I took my time and broke it down to sets of 10reps. I knew I'd need my Strength for the 135# Lift. The 135# Lift is 10# over my Body weight and, at the time, 10# under my Max on Snatch(145#). Because the lift was heavy for me I chose to do the full squat Snatch for this weight. I made it to 14 Reps. I'm happy with my score. I even hit a new PR of 150# on the Snatch during a warm up! One note, I do use Weight Lifting Shoes when I do Heavy Snatches and especially the full Squat Snatch.

We still have 3 more WODs to go. We're ready for them!

Workout Log: 5-10-24/5-11-24

5-10-24  Barbell RDL: 10-8-6-6 (Start @60%, Add During) 4 Sets of: 1-1/4 Back Squat: 7-10 Reps DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 16(8/8) 3 Sets of:...