Friday, October 27, 2017

Walking Lunges: 200 LBS

Getting some extra Leg Training in with some Walking Lunges. Hit 200 lbs for 10 steps. No knee wraps or belt.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Are You Training Today?

Just as your morning routine can set the tone for the day, your beginning of the week routine can set the tone for the rest of the week. So, how are you starting your week? What type of training are you doing today?
You don't need fancy machines to get a good workout in. Here is a simple workout using a hammer, tire and a heavy bag.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Morning Rituals

Morning rituals are important to me. They set the tone for the rest of the day. For anyone who knows me, knows I don't watch TV, so that's out of the question. My morning rituals include, coffee, reading and I usually pull up an educational or motivational YouTube video. I'm also a fan of Curiosity Stream. They have some really interesting documentaries on my favorite subjects, History and Science! I do all this before I hit the gym, another one of my morning rituals. Train the body and mind!
What are your morning rituals?

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Skill Training

Axe and Knife throwing is fun but it's also a skill. It takes a lot of practice to learn the balance of your weapon, distance and handling. I enjoy learning new skills and even though it is frustrating. There's plenty of times when I missed all my throws, the knife even bounced back and almost hit me more than a few times! For any skill you want to learn you have to put in the time effort to get better.

If anyone wants to train with me, whether it's fitness, axe/knife throwing or heavy bag work, hit me up:

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sprinting To The Weekend Like....

By Thursday evening I'm ready for the weekend, but not for the reason most think. I don't sit around watching TV or ball games. That shit is boring to me. I'm outdoors, training, learning new skills, reading. It's also a time to plan workouts for the next week for my classes.
What new skills do you want to learn? What books are you reading? Are you making the most of your time?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Everyday STRONGER!

Everyday is another opportunity to get stronger, wiser and to do amazing things. Time is ticking to our ultimate fate. We are one moment closer to the grave at every breath we take. How will you spend you time in between?

Workout Log: 5-10-24/5-11-24

5-10-24  Barbell RDL: 10-8-6-6 (Start @60%, Add During) 4 Sets of: 1-1/4 Back Squat: 7-10 Reps DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 16(8/8) 3 Sets of:...