Thursday, March 23, 2017

Back Squat PR!

My training partner, Diana, and I just completed a brutal Squat cycle. The Smolov Squat Cycle. Very effective but very brutal!  You can download the app on your phone. First few weeks are free, then it's a small fee to continue to the next phase. We both PR'd on the first phase, then bought the final weeks and each hit another PR. Diana hit three PRs during this cycle. I hit two. Diana started at 240# and in 13 weeks hit 270! She isn't even a year out yet from her ACL reconstruction surgery! 
I started at 295# and hit 320# in thirteen weeks. I had to miss two weeks of the cycle(went light) because of a pulled muscle. Just a week before my PR I struggled to Squat 195# because of it. 
This cycle is pretty rough. There are a lot of  90% and 95% for multiple reps on the second phase. Be sure to have a spotter or Squat in a Squat cage if you are going to compete this cycle. 
Brutal yet Effective!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Morning PT

This was a fun morning workout! One minute Max Calories on the Rower followed by 10 Muscle Ups then a 30sec rest. Repeat for 5 Rounds. Max effort on the Rower! Total up the number of calories completes in the 5 Rounds for your score. 

Monday, March 6, 2017


I originally programmed this workout for my fellow coach and training partner, Diana, when she was recovering from her ACL surgery. Battling Ropes are a great way to get some kick ass conditioning without taxing the lower body. Once Diana had been cleared by her PT to use the bike we started incorporating it in to her workouts.
There were many variations of this workout, almost all timed.

Battling Rope-1min Max Effort
2 Dumbell Hang Clean & Push Press-1min Max Effort
Assault Bike-1min Max Calories
6-8 Rounds:

Taking a walk in the woods in the rain. Walking in the woods is like meditation for me. It's good to get away from all the noise of modern life.  

Workout Log: 5-10-24/5-11-24

5-10-24  Barbell RDL: 10-8-6-6 (Start @60%, Add During) 4 Sets of: 1-1/4 Back Squat: 7-10 Reps DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 16(8/8) 3 Sets of:...