About Me

Hello and welcome to my Blog! Here's a little bit about me.

I'm the owner and founder of CrossFit Seguin / Texas Kettlebell Club Strength and Conditioning Facility in Seguin Texas. I'm Certified in Russian Kettlebells(RKC/SFG), CrossFit, Underground Strength Coach(USC) and Personal Training. I'm also a practitioner of Jiu Jitsu and Target Focus Training(TFT).

I started my journey in fitness just after the Military. I always scored 300 plus points on the Army PT test and was considered a "PT stud".  After the Army I packed on 20 plus pounds of unwanted weight, I went from 120lbs to 140 pounds(I stopped weighing myself at one point). I discovered Kettlebell and CrossFit training from my friend Tim Larkin(Founder of Target Focus Training). Using Kettlebells and cross training I whipped myself back into shape. I went from 140 plus pounds to a lean 125 pounds in a matter of months. I went on to earn my RKC Instructor Certification(Russian Kettlebell Challenge) and Personal Training Certification. I then moved to California to instruct classes and private trainings at Iron Core San Diego under Sarah Lurie. I moved back to Texas and opened the Texas Kettlebell Club in 2009. I then went on to earn my CrossFit Trainer Certification and open CrossFit Seguin.  I trained and competed in Olympic Weightlifting under my coach Oleg Kechko. I then went on to earned my Underground Strength Coach Certification under Zach Even Esh. You can follow my training and coaching here and on other social media platforms(links below).

I currently teach CrossFit classes at the TKC/CrossFit Seguin Facility. I also teach Private Individual/Group Trainings and workshops on Kettlebells, Bodyweight and Strength Training.

If you're looking for a real change and like a challenge, don't hesitate to contact me. I've worked with hundreds of people and helped them reach their goals. Browse through my Blog, YouTube and Instagram(link below) and when you're ready for some serious training, contact me.

There's no BS here on my Blog. You won't find any "magic pills" being sold or any illusions that you can skip hard work and dedication and still reach your goals. To achieve lasting results you must have Discipline, Consistency and Dedication. No Short Cuts!

-Jesus Gaitan

Follow me: https://www.instagram.com/jesus.gaitan.23/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmww_N-je-aVupaZwdEoYYg?view_as=subscriber

Workout Log: 5-10-24/5-11-24

5-10-24  Barbell RDL: 10-8-6-6 (Start @60%, Add During) 4 Sets of: 1-1/4 Back Squat: 7-10 Reps DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 16(8/8) 3 Sets of:...